How to make Money Online?

How to Make Money?
Make Money Computer Key

Are you looking for the ways to make money online? Tried various ways or methods but didn’t get the success?

Do you know how many articles are there about how to make money online? Hundreds? Thousands? Are these sufficient enough to make money? The answer to this is ‘NO’ because there is a problem that most of the articles are just to pitch the sale and will ask you to register for some services to become a millionaire.

It is very true that we can make money online BUT it’s not that much easy as we think of. So here on this page, we will tell you the legitimate ways to earn money in your spare time. Legitimate here means these all methods or ways needs your real work as well to earn money because there is no short cut to earn or make money.

Most effective ways to make money without investment

  1. Blogging

    Blogging is the area that requires patience, a great deal of time, and command over the subject. For blogs to be famous and effective at SEO, it needs to be updated regularly with a high quality of content. High traffic means popularity of your blog. Once your blog is popular, you can apply following further ways to generate revenues.

    1. Advertisements

      – You can sell advertisement spots directly or you can associate with the advertisement networks as “Ads publisher”. With ad-publisher networks, you can earn money by placing advertisements at header, footer, sidebars etc. These ad networks work on CPC – Cost Per Click, CPM – Cost Per Million, CPA – Cost Per Acquisition. Few famous ad-networks are Google ad-sense, Infolinks, etc.

    2. Affiliates

      – These allow you to promote products & services of some other person. CJ and FlexOffers are the good examples of affiliate networks. These networks allow you to place the products links on your page. If someone clicks through and buy the product or any service, then you will receive commissions.

    3. Memberships

      – Exclusive content can help you if you want to create membership area on your blog. Most of the people have created the paid memberships on their blog. If you really have the unique content that can’t be accessed easily on the web, then this could be a great idea to make money online.

    4. Selling Products

      – If you are good at writing, designing, development or any other skill, then you can start selling those directly on your blog website OR you can use your blog for the publicity of your own products. You can start writing some e-books or create some software/script, which your blog website visitors would see and buy directly.

    5. Subscriptions

      – If you can consistently offer some newsletter or magazine then you can offer subscription services. These will be offered on regular basis (Like weekly, monthly, bi-monthly etc.). Fees will be charged for customers when the subscription will be sent to them. They can choose subscription as per their wish, it can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.

  2. Freelancing

    – Freelancing is another way to make money online., PeoplePerHour, WorkNHire are such kind of websites, where you can work directly with clients and earn money. These freelancing websites don’t charge any money but you need to pay 10% of the amount you would earn from your clients. You can work as a content writer, designer, developer, tester, etc.

  3. Online selling

    Traditional shopping is not traditional anymore, now it becomes online. There are so many online stores which allow its users to shop online with multiple options to choose from. You can register as “seller” on these online e-commerce websites, which is totally free and start selling your products.

    You can go to local markets, bargain on products which you want to sell. Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal are some of the most famous online shopping websites where you can sell your items at competitive prices.

  4. Google Ad-sense

    Google Adsense is one of our favorite and as per our views you can earn a lot with Google Adsense. The point which you need to remember is that you need to have patience. Firstly, you need to have a website and that should have enough traffic to qualify Google’s criteria. Google Adsense have CPC, CPM, CPA and Google have the maximum payout for these. Greater the traffic of your website, more will be revenues.

  5. YouTube Channel

    YouTube is also a very good platform to earn money these days. People around the world making money by uploading their videos on YouTube. If you are good at shooting videos on your own and think that these videos can bring entertainment for the viewers, then YouTube is the right option to earn money. With each and every view you will get paid. In addition to this, you can categorize your videos also and the categories can be a comedy, entertainment, gaming etc.

  6. Affiliate Marketing

    If you really want to make money online, then affiliate marketing is the option for you. With affiliate marketing, you can earn great commissions. Sign up to the Affiliate Networks like Commission Junction, Amazon Affiliates, Flipkart Affiliates etc. For interested products, you can find the affiliate links and can share with your friends. If someone buys using your affiliate link then, in return you will make 10-20% commission


You can not rely on personal knowledge and online resources to make money.  In our next article, we will list out some books which you can read to make money online by using some very simple methods.

Top 5 Books that can Help you to Make Money Online

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2 Responses

  1. Diya Dinesh says:

    The blog was absolutely fantastic article about freelance jobs online. Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more contents.

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